Internal Medicine
Equine internal medicine is the investigation and treatment of diseases of the internal systems, including the airways, heart, brain, liver, intestines, kidneys and circulatory system.
Internal medicine
Our internal medicine team, led by an RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Equine Internal Medicine, are pleased to offer a full range of medical services for your horse in addition to accepting medicine referrals from other practices.
Our services include:
- Medical colics – investigation and management of
- Investigation of recurrent colic cases
- Investigation of weight loss cases
- Liver Disease Investigations
- Urinary Tract Investigations
- Investigation of Respiratory Tract Disease
- Investigation of Myopathies
- Gastroscopy
- Resting & over ground endoscopy examinations
- Thoracic ultrasonography & radiology
- Ultrasound guided biopsy techniques
- Dermatology including IDAT (intra-dermal allergy testing)
- Foal medicine
- Ophthalmology