2 Stage Vetting Agreement

A pre-purchase examination or ‘vetting’, is an important step in the process of buying a horse. We recommend a five stage vetting for any ridden horse, regardless of value, as some problems will only become apparent following strenuous exercise. If you are requesting a 2 stage vetting you need to complete and sign the disclaimer form below.

    Disclaimer form
    I am considering the purchase to the horse described above.
    I do not wish to incur the expense of a full 5 stage examination of the horse as detailed in the explanatory memorandum on the second page of this letter, a copy of which I have retained. Accordingly, I wish to restrict the scope of your instructions to a limited examination involving only stages 1 and 2 as set out below.
    I acknowledge that prior to the examination the extent of this limited form of examination has been explained to me. I accept and understand that such limited examination may not reveal certain conditions which may have been discovered during the course of a full 5 stage examination.

    The examination of a horse on behalf of a buyer

    Veterinarians have developed a general routine of examination which has been found to be satisfactory as a means of detecting signs of disease and injury. This examination is conducted in five stages and all the stages should be completed. If this has not been possible it should be made clear on the certificate in what way the examination has been carried and that any opinions are based on this restricted examination.

    The full 5 stage examination consists of:

    Stage 1 – Preliminary Examination
    This is a methodical examination of the animal’s body to assess general appearance and condition. It includes examination of the teeth, the resting heart, the eyes by opthalmascope, the skin, the limbs and feet, and flexion of the limb joints to reveal pain or limitation of movement.

    Stage 2 – Trotting Up
    The animal is walked and trotted on hard, level ground in order to detect gross abnormalities of gait and action.

    Stage 3 – Strenuous Exercise
    The animal is given sufficient strenuous exercise (1) to make it breathe deeply and rapidly so that any unusual breathing sounds maybe heard; (2) to increase the action of the heart so that any abnormalities may be more easily detected; and (3) to tire the animal so that strains or injuries may be revealed by stiffness or lameness after a period of rest.

    Stage 4 – A Period of Rest
    The horse is allowed to stand quietly for a period. During this time the breathing and the heart are checked as they return to their resting levels.

    Stage 5 – The Second trot and Foot Examination
    The horse is walked and trotted again, turned sharply and backed, in order to reveal abnormalities exacerbated by the strenuous exercise stage.

    The signed agreement above instructs the examining veterinary surgeon to omit stages 3, 4 and 5 of the full examination.