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As the days get longer and the sun is out, horses will be enjoying the perks of being turned out more. This could be a potential danger for horses at risk of laminitis or overweight.

Recent research has shown that laminitis is as common in horses in the UK as colic. In contradiction to what was previously thought, there is no safe-season for laminitis, and it is presented and diagnosed all year around¹.

It is important that owners remain proactive about the prevention of laminitis in every season of the year. The earlier an episode is recognised significantly increases the best chance of recovery. This includes looking out for the perhaps more subtle signs, including changes in behaviour, reluctance to pick up feet, a shortened/stiffened gait and being careful on hard stony grounds.


Picture 1. Hoof wall with laminae dissected.

The horse’s foot is built from a sensitive (soft tissue inside) and a non-sensitive part (hoof wall). The sensitive parts are called the laminae, which connect the hoof wall to the pedal bone inside (Picture 1).

In a horse with laminitis these laminae get inflamed, causing them to loosen the connection. Because of this the pedal bone will rotate towards the sole of the foot. The inflammation and rotation of the pedal bone are very painful for the horse. The rotation of the pedal bone can only be confirmed by taking a xray (Picture 2).

Laminitis Xray

Picture 2.

  1. Pedal bone  2. Short pastern bone. 3. Navicular bone.  4. Laminae

Left xray shows normal anatomy with the pedal bone parallel to the hoof wall, right xray shows a rotated pedal bone, where the tip of the pedal bone has penetrated the sole.

Restricted grazing in horses at risk of being overweight and laminitis is indicated, ideally horses at risk should not be turned out on grass at all.

Strip grazing, limiting the hours of turn out on grass and turning out with a muzzle are advised, but some horses will adapt to this.

If you think your horse is overweight, please don’t hesitate to book yourself onto one of our weight clinics!

¹Pollard et al. (2018) Incidence and clinical signs of owner-reported equine laminitis in a cohort of horses and ponies in Great Britain

Free* ACTH tests are back for 2019

Testing for PPID in your horse or pony

A few years ago PPID or Equine Cushing’s Disease was considered a rare hormonal disease in horses. Now it is thought to affect over 20% of horses over the age of 15 and is a condition recognised almost daily in equine veterinary practice.

Past ‘Talk about Laminitis’ test results show that you should look out for any of these clinical signs in your horse:

  • Laminitis
  • Abnormal or delayed moulting
  • Muscle wastage
  • Periorbital fat (fat round the eyes)
  • Increased drinking and urinating

In 2017, thousands of laminitic patients benefitted from PPID being ruled in or out of their condition during the Talk About Laminitis campaign, as a result, the Talk About Laminitis campaign will continue offering FREE* ACTH lab testing during 2019

You can claim your complimentary testing voucher code by visiting

If your horse is already on Prascend, you may be eligible for a free monitoring test (lab fees only). You can generate your voucher code for this by visiting the link above.

Terms & Conditions:

  • This free ACTH test voucher code is for the laboratory fees for a blood ACTH test only.
  • Each voucher is only redeemable against an ACTH blood test where the patient has not been previously diagnosed with PPID
  • Full T&Cs can be found below at
  • Oakhill blood sampling fee, visit fee and postage still apply.