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Healthy Feet Programme

Healthy feet programme 
An understanding of which types of lameness are present, coupled with a structured approach to tackle the underlying causes is required to tackle lameness effectively.

The AHDB Dairy Healthy Feet Programme is a structured approach which will help make important progress towards diagnosing the problems, devising an action plan, and develop the skills necessary for long-term lameness control. The approach is based around the ‘four success factors’ – Low infection pressure – Good horn quality and hoof shape – Low forces on the feet – Good cow comfort and cow flow – Early detection and prompt, effective treatment of lame cows

Foot trimming training days
We offer hoof trimming training days that cover the 5-step foot trimming technique, recognition, treatment and prevention of foot lesions in cattle. Watch out for announcements about our foot trimming courses.

Our next foot trimming April 5th, to book onto the 1 day course, please call 01772 861300 or contact

Cattle foot trimming

Bovine Ischaemic Teat Necrosis

This is a disease that has emerged in the UK over the last 5 years affecting the skin around the base teat but often extending down the teat and onto the udder.

The lesions tend to be irritable causing the cow to lick the affected teats and in severe cases remove them. Currently very little isknown about the disease but due to the increase in cases recently the cause is thought to be infectious. Currently there are no known effective treatments with severely affected animals often culled. Other diseases affecting the teats can be mistaken for Bovine ITN but the lesions don’t tend to be as irritant to the cow.

AHDB Dairy are currently running a project in conjunction with Liverpool University to learn more about the disease and how to control it. If you suspect you have any cases on your farm please get in touch with us.

Respiratory Disease- Cattle

Respiratory disease is estimated to cost the UK cattle industry £80 million annually through increased mortality, veterinary drug costs and most importantly weight 

loss/reduced performance. Whilst the effects on clinically affected animals are obvious often the rest of the group will be affected sub-clinically resulting in reduced growth rates.

For respiratory disease, prevention is vital as many animals never fully recover from severe cases and is through a combination of good management, good ventilation, and effective vaccination protocols prior to the risk period (housing/weaning).

respiratory symptoms cattle

Respiratory disease occurs when environmental factors, infectious agents and inadequate immunity come together and tip the balance in favour of disease. In beef systems, stressful events such as dehorning and castration are best undertaken before housing or delayed until calves have been housed for at least 6 weeks.

Ventilation is key!

The minimum recommended air changes within a building of 10 times each hour, increasing in summer up to around 60 air changes per hour. High ammonia levels from manure irritate the respiratory tract and will make the animal more vulnerable to respiratory disease. Studies have shown that the ammonia levels a calf is exposed to in the first four months of life severely impact on the age at first calving, and lifetime productivity.

respiratory disease in cattle

We are offering Subsidised Ventilation Assessments in the month of September, please contact us at the clinic to arrange yours today!